RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are lists of new web content that update in real time
Using an RSS reader (see below) you can store as many feeds as you like in one place, giving you easy access to the latest updates from all your favourite web services.
Depending on your reader, RSS feeds normally provide a headline, a short summary and a direct link for each article.
Travolution’s RSS feeds are free to use and do not require an account or log-in.
General feeds
News channel feeds
Tour operators
Travel agents
Press releases
In-depth channel feeds
What you need
An RSS reader. You can find a list of RSS readers at these third party sites:
Google Directory
DMOZ Directory
Some email programs and Internet browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 7) have inbuilt RSS readers. You can also add RSS feeds to content aggregators such as Netvibes or your personalised Google homepage. If you are unsure about which reader to use, your IS department should be able to help.
What to do
When your RSS reader is installed, simply click the orange RSS icon next to the feed you want to subscribe to. If you are using a service that requires you to add feeds by URL, just right-click on the icon and select ‘copy shortcut’. The feed URL will be copied to your clipboard.