As many as 45% perceive voice to be the future search tool Continue reading
Google reports ‘huge’ appetite for voice and text search
A “huge” continued appetite for voice and text search is revealed today in Google UK research.
While more than half (57%) of those polled believe text search to be a highly functional traditional medium, 45% perceive voice to be the future search tool.
As many as 83% agreed that voice search will make it easier to search for things anytime people want.
A higher proportion of 89% have the perception that voice search will enable people to search for things more quickly than they do now, and also expect Google will be smart enough to recognise our voices and respond accordingly.
Voice is commonly used among those surveyed, with three quarters acknowledging that they search more than ever now that they can use mobile voice search and just 10% using voice search occasionally.
Two thirds (67%) type mobile text searches several times a day and 51% use voice and text search interchangeably.
Those who have started using voice in the last six months are the most frequent voice adopters, with 42% using it daily, in comparison to those who started using it over four years ago, where it is frequently used by just 25%.
However, user search experience is influenced by age. The research found that while half of millennials feel more frustrated by slow web page loads, just 28% of those aged between 35-44 felt frustrated by this.
And 57% of those surveyed said that they would use the search tool more if it recognised more complex commands.
The need for perfection relates to search results. While the results appear concise and comprehensive, 58% of respondents said they would like more detailed results when using search, and 42% also highlighted that their usage would increase if they knew more about the best ways of using voice search.
State of mind has an impact on perceived speed of search. When sitting down, 25% of respondents felt search was too slow, in comparison to when on the move, when almost double (48%) felt this way.
A total of 68% of people who feel rushed and anxious argued that search is too slow, while just 21% of people feeling calm had this opinion.
Google UK director of agencies, Matt Bush, said: “Our research shows the sheer potential of voice and search more broadly as a way for brands to authentically communicate with audiences.
“By taking time to learn how consumers are using it, considering the impact external factors have on consumer perceptions, as well as acknowledging ways search can be enhanced across voice, text and mobile platforms, it will become a hugely successful channel of communication that will lead to personal and engaging connections with those who matter most – consumers.”
The voice search research was carried out in a three part process – a 15 minute online survey with 3,000 respondents, 15 two-hour filmed interviews and eight one-hour brain scan labs.