data reveals boomers missing AI boat for holiday planning data reveals boomers missing AI boat for holiday planning

5% have used or plan to use AI for holiday planning, compared to42% of Gen Z

Only 3% of baby boomers (60 years old and above) have used AI for holiday planning and only 2% intend to this year, according to a new Opinium survey from specialist travel insurance provider

A growing number of holidaymakers are using AI for holiday ideas, travel options, daily itineraries and suggestions of the best places to eat and drink to ensure they get the most from their holiday but the recent report found 87% of over sixties saying they will never use AI to plan a holiday.

While around a fifth of Gen Z (20%) and Millennials (18%) already use AI for their holiday preparation and planning. 

Just under a quarter of Gen Zers (22%), and one in seven Millennials (13%) say that whilst they haven’t used AI for holiday itineraries, they plan to use it in the next year.

However, Gen X (44-59 years old) are also dragging their flipflops when it comes to using the new technology with only a handful (4%) using AI for holiday ideas and itineraries, but more are considering using it this year for holiday ideas (7%) and itineraries (6%). 

Much like the boomers, 73% of Gen X say that they will never use AI to plan a holiday.

Christian Bennett of said: “Artificial intelligence (AI) can be incredibly helpful for travellers, making it easier to plan where to go on their holidays and what to do. It’s no surprise that a significant number of Gen X and Millennials are already using it, or planning to, and I suspect that this number will grow rapidly in the coming years. 

"Interestingly, if you ask AI platforms for travel advice, they will usually highlight the importance of travel insurance.”  

He added: “To protect your holiday investment, travel insurance is an absolute must. Travelling without insurance could leave you paying a hefty bill if something were to go wrong. With medical costs rising globally, travel insurance is that added layer of peace of mind that all travellers need."