GetThere benchmarking service allows corporate travel comparison

GetThere has started to offer benchmarking services to corporate customers allowing them to compare their travel itinerary to industry averages.

GetThere has started to offer benchmarking services to corporate customers allowing them to compare their travel itinerary to industry averages.

The service is based on aggregated travel data from hundreds of corporations, collating travel data from all Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) and large and medium sized corporate travel management companies (TMCs).

More than £5 billion in travel spend is processed through GetThere annually.

Deborah Mahoney, director of speciality services for GetThere, said: “Our benchmarking approach is unique because it gives companies a best-in-class goal to reach, as well as offering an interactive means to drill into the details across all business segments.

“It also spans multiple GDS sources and multiple TMCs. This gives corporations a more relevant picture of how their travel programme compares to others.”

Corporations will be able to access reports and metrics via an interactive dashboard. The reports will allow customers to use real-time travel data to negotiate travel policy decisions and strategies.