offers first-class seat price comparison

A new flight comparison site will deliver prices for first and business-class seats and is claimed to be quicker and more accurate than existing sites.

A new flight comparison site will deliver prices for first and business-class seats and is claimed to be quicker and more accurate than existing sites. uses the latest meta-data technology, whereas other search engines are said to use either limited sources or cache data to recall prices and availability, which can be out of date.

Aaron Ritoper, the site’s business development vice-president for Europe, claimed the technology made the site quicker while also simplifying the process of using a search engine.

He said the site was also the first of its kind to include prices for first class and business-class seats.

“In a recent study we found that people spend an average 2.6 hours and check four different sites when booking a flight,” he said.

“We believe this is because there is so much misinformation out there and the prices offered on many sites are often no longer available when it comes time to book. 

“Our results are updated upon every new search, so our users get real prices and availability.

“This means they don’t have to spend hours comparing flight prices and will not experience the frustration of clicking through on a price and discovering that it is not really there.”

Ritoper said deals with airlines such as Ryanair and easyJet meant their product was also being featured on the site.

“The quality of the data we get from Ryanair is outstanding and I think that’s a good example of how we’re getting quality data from major players,” he added.