TTI: Liverpool University to work with Co-op targeting Gen Y

The Cooperative Travel Group is working with Liverpool University to learn how it can best target Generation Y.

The Cooperative Travel Group is working with Liverpool University to learn how it can best target Generation Y.

The retail giant is trying to understand the elements that differentiate this online generation from others when it comes to buying a holiday.

Managing director Mike Greenacre said the company was looking at its long term future and the need to replace older customers with a new generation.

“They don’t want to be sold to, they want to be the ones to choose so we need to present them with relevant options for them and a proposition which suits how they live their lives,” he said.

Greenacre, who added that the work would be complete in the middle of this year, was speaking at TTI’s Agents Advancing Conference on the perception that in future everything will be purchased online.