Europe hotel prices drop 7%

The average price of hotels in Europe was £93 during the period from February to March 2010 – a 7% drop on the same time last year.

The average price of hotels in Europe was £93 during the period from February to March 2010 – a 7% drop on the same time last year.

Hotel price comparison site found that in 34 of the top 50 top European cities, average prices dropped in comparison to last year. The highest price drops were experienced by Copenhagen (13%), Prague (12%) and Istanbul (13%).

The results demonstrate that hoteliers are continuing to find themselves under pressure to drop rates during the recession.

In contrast, London prices rose 6% to an average of £126 a night. This puts the capital at the fourth most expensive city in trivago’s Hotel Price Index behind Milan, Oslo and Geneva.

See a graph showing the changes here.