Distressed’ deals for Cheapflights

Air fare comparison site Cheapflights.co.uk has installed a new service – Hand Picked Deals – to give users access to “distressed inventory” from travel agents, suppliers and tour operators. The system works by allowing travel companies to pitch in as much of their late or distressed stock as possible, which is then selected by the…

Air fare comparison site Cheapflights.co.uk has installed a new service – Hand Picked Deals – to give users access to “distressed inventory” from travel agents, suppliers and tour operators.

The system works by allowing travel companies to pitch in as much of their late or distressed stock as possible, which is then selected by the Cheapflights team for inclusion on the website. An editorial check is in place to ensure the type of flight deals, hotels, cruises and package holidays are relevant to users.

The service is free for companies to send in products, who will be charged by Cheapflights on a per-per-click basis, similar to the existing flight search model in the site. Hand Picked Deals could eventually be extended so that it runs within the Cheapflights e-mail bulletin to subscribers.

Cheapflights vice-chairman Hugo Burge said the service added an extra piece of “armoury” to the company but would not take away from its existing model of comparing flight prices.