Google and Cheapflights lead top referrers table

Cheapflights is claiming a significant milestone with news that it is second only to Google in the UK as a referrer of traffic to travel agent websites. Hitwise data in January and early-February for upstream clicks to other sites showed the price comparison grabbing a 2% share of all traffic, behind Google UK’s 29% and…

Cheapflights is claiming a significant milestone with news that it is second only to Google in the UK as a referrer of traffic to travel agent websites.

Hitwise data in January and early-February for upstream clicks to other sites showed the price comparison grabbing a 2% share of all traffic, behind Google UK’s 29% and’s 5%.

Cheapflights also secured a leading place amongst travel search and price comparison sites in the category for upstream referrals to other airline sites.

Leading the pack is Google UK (29%), (6%) and EasyJet (2%), with Cheapflights grabbing almost another 2% share of traffic.

Group managing director Chris Cuddy said: “We like to attribute our continued success to our providing consumers on both sides of the Atlantic with a user-friendly product allowing them rapidly to search and conclude terrific flight deals for their chosen destinations.

“At the same time, we are also giving our small as well as large-sized travel industry advertisers’ equal access to literally millions of would-be travellers intending to fly.”

Cheapflights in the UK secured a 20% increase in traffic year-on-year in January to 4.7 million unique visitors. The US site is closing in on its UK counterpart with a 22% increase on the same period last year and 3.5 million visitors.