Momondo enables flight search with a double click

Momondo enables flight search with a double click

Websites are being offered flight search through a new option developed by travel search site momondo.

Websites are being offered flight search through a new option developed by travel search site momondo.

The ClickTwo Travel Chrome extension allows users to double-click on a place name to reveal flight information to the destination.

When a location is double-clicked, users see the price of a return journey to that destination from their nearest airport.

This information clicks through to the momondo website, where specific dates and flights can be selected.

ClickTwo Travel works with all locations mentioned online, from cities, districts and countries through to parks and places of interest.

Pleasance Coddington, head of content and social media at momondo, said: “We know that people can be inspired to travel at any given moment, whether they are thinking about travel or not.

“In developing ClickTwo Travel, our aim was to open up travellers’ biggest source of inspiration: the entire web.”