HomeExchange.com to add TripAdvisor reviews and ratings

HomeExchange.com to add TripAdvisor reviews and ratings

TripAdvisor reviews and ratings are to be included across the HomeExchange.com website.

TripAdvisor reviews and ratings are to be included across the HomeExchange.com website.

The aim is to allow HomeExchange.com members to learn more about destinations in 150 countries before making a decision.

Information and reviews on restaurants, local farmers markets, entertainment, child-friendly attractions, parks, and activities such as biking or hiking will be accessible.

Jim Pickell, chief operating officer of HomeExchange.com said: “TripAdvisor is one of the most trusted travel brands in the world and our members are already using their content to plan every aspect of their travels.

“This partnership will provide additional value to HomeExchange.com members and will make the planning process even more seamless – members can now access useful TripAdvisor ratings and reviews without even having to leave our site.”

He added: “The HomeExchange.com community is based on sharing, our members reveal their favourite things to do and places to eat to their exchange partners, creating an authentic ‘live like a local’ experience.

“Our collaboration with TripAdvisor will exponentially increase the opportunities for our members to make informed decisions and find new destinations.”